Type 14A

Type 14A
Cabrio 2/2 seats
Year of production
Aufbau number 18127A 3003
Engine number Okrasa engine
Interior decoration
Tank 40 liters high version
  • split
Engine decklid
  • welded (three pices)
Water box
  • curved
Semaphore boxes
open inside


Number 12 was once next to number 13 in a garage sale from a Passedena Doctor. Both cars were sold and then split from each other. Nr 12 was restored by Maurey Cole who bought it in 1973. He showed the car in the USA on several occasions. After a period it was sold and landed in Australia. From there, it went to Japan where it still is. The owner now, repainted the Heb in all black and fitted the older style bumpers. In the book "Classic Volkswagen" from Collin Burnham, is a picture of the Hebmüller Aufbau plate. This shows an interesting date as 30 march 1949. The Aufbaunumber itself is a bit different. The bodynumber however on that pict read as 118-000012. Before the 8 you see a 4 that is grinded…If that pict fits the car… it must be checked real good. The engine lid is with rectangular pressings below the Licenceplate. Only seen on the prototype pict from Hebmuller. (PS)


Ex Dale Lampson, USA, 1972 till 1974
Ex Maurey Cole, USA
Current owner lives in Japan


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