Type 14A

Type 14A
Cabrio 2/2 seats
Year of production
Aufbau number 18939 2607
Engine number 1-0134432
Interior decoration
Tank 40 liters low version
  • split
Engine decklid
  • welded (three pices)
Water box
  • curved
Semaphore boxes
open inside


After a long search, and investigation and with the help of other enthusiasts, The Lottermann’s Hebmüller, since long time known as Heb 14-00103 is identified. Markus was very glad to find out the real body number on his type 14a. The car’s former nr 14-00103 was deducted by Heinz Willy Lottermann on the first digits from the Chassisnumbers 1-103322. The info was found on a copy from the Wagenbegleitkarte that was provided by a collector who was not aware it was not for his car. So the Identification is 100% correct. The car was built 15 july 1949, it was shipped on 16th of July to WEBER dealership in Berlin. The original color was elfenbein or Ivory. It is unclear if that was a complete elfenbein car or just a black one with elfenbein sides.. In our research, we found out that another Heb was indeed complete elfenbein. So when the car was restored years ago, Heinz Willy Lottermann used what was available. The heater channels, the front part was changed and replaced by the wrong parts. The Heb should have a flat front panel and a small fuel tank. The car however will be kept in the same condition but made driveble for the German TÜV one day. Do not bother to ask, the car is not for sale as to honor Heinz Willy Lottermann. (PS)


Markus Lottermann, Bad Camberg, Germany


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