Type 14A

Type 14A
Cabrio 2/2 seats
Year of production
Aufbau number 190XX 2208
Engine number 1-0143181
Interior decoration
Tank 40 liters high version
  • split
Engine decklid
  • welded (three pices)
Water box
  • curved
Semaphore boxes
open inside


The car was delivered to BADEN Auto in Stuttgart. The Heb was owned by Peter Gelien and he restored it in 1981. He used a lot of NOS parts on this car. Peter Gelien was the founder of the Brezelfensterverreinigung in Germany (split window club). The license plate was AB-DK 550. The Heb was on display in the technik museum in Sinsheim Germany until mid 1995. Dan Arena bought this Heb from the widow of Peter Gelien and shipped it to the USA. The body number was lost since long time due to replacement of the front. With the help of Heb-Hunters.org, the body number was found in the museum archives. With a special document, handed over and signed by Axel Hebmuller, it was given to Dan Arena in September 2016 on the Hebtour, organised by Stevwe Dressler. The body of the car is also a mix between old and new style. The same as Heb 62. The reason on this mix is probably the same as with number 62. The fire in the factory built up a delay in production and some cars need repair wich took longer as forseen. (PS)


Ex Peter Gelien, Germany
Current owner Dan Arena, USA


Car came in black/ ivory from the factory.
Fender skirts
  steering wheel
Elomar radio
glove box doors

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