Type 14A

Type 14A
Cabrio 2/2 seats
Year of production
Aufbau number X
Engine number 1-0215667
Interior decoration leather
Tank 40 liters low version
  • split
Engine decklid
  • pressed (one pice)
Water box
  • flat
Semaphore boxes
closed inside


Perfect restored Hebmüller by Dave Pipoly & team! The first owner is unknown, the second owner a serviceman from Nevada named Bill Carr, the third is Ben Tye who drove it on his honeymoon to Mount Hood, Oregon, and fourth owners Art and Verna Tye who bought the car from Art´s brother Ben, till in 1999 they sold it to VW collector Bruce Braun who gathered parts for a restaoration. Bruce Braun eventually sold to Jessie James of West Coast Choppers fame, who kept it in his personal Vintage VW Collection until passing it on to the next owner in the USA in 2012. In March 2018 the car was sold to a collector in England. (CM)


First owner unknown
Second owner Bill Carr, Nevada, USA
Third owner Ben Tye, USA
Fourth owner Art & Verna Tye, USA
Ex Bruce Braun USA
Ex Jesse James -2012, USA
Ex Eric Henrikson 2012-2018, USA
Current owner lives in England


Nice story about this stunning Hebmüller you´ll find in the AIRMIGHTY issue 22/2015 

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