Type 14A

Type 14A
Cabrio 2/2 seats
Year of production
Aufbau number 19104 0911
Engine number 1-0153812
Interior decoration cloth interior
Tank 40 liters high version
  • split
Engine decklid
  • pressed (one pice)
Water box
  • flat
Semaphore boxes
open inside


Heb 14-00201 was owned by Manfred Hans Klinkhammer from Hürth in Germany. Later Mr. Klinkhammer sold the Heb to Ruud de Ruiter from the Netherlands. At that moment the Heb was updated with a synchro trans and a Karmann Ghia dashboard. The car was used by Ruud as it was. At one point, he bought another Heb 410 that needs a restauration. While restoring the Heb 410, he decided to restore Heb 201 also. When he finished the restauration in 2014, Ruud drove with Heb 201 to the Hebmüller Karosserie Meeting in Meerbusch. Afterwards, he sold the Heb to keep the newer Heb 410. After that Ruud sold Heb 410 to buy a Hebmüller from France. That one was sold again to buy 410 back. In 2017 at the Hessisch Oldendorf Meeting, he could buy Heb 201 back and sold the Heb 410 on the spot in half an hour. Who can tell he bought the same heb twice..? (PS)


Ex Hans Klinkhammer, Hürth, Germany
Current owner Ruud de Ruiter, Netherlands


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