Type 14A

Type 14A
Cabrio 2/2 seats
Year of production
Aufbau number X
Engine number 1-0736659
Interior decoration leather
Tank 40 liters low version
  • split
Engine decklid
  • pressed (one pice)
Water box
  • flat
Semaphore boxes
open inside


This is indeed a known Hebmüller. The current owner bought this car from Autohaus Moll in late 2016 & took delivery of it at Hessisch Oldendorf after some improvements by Christian Grundmann. This car was also one of the 6 Hebs present at the "Bob Gilmore / Hebmüller Registry 35th Anniversary Heb Lineup" in Anaheim September 2017. It is a car with a newer pan & much up- grading from the oval era, but one which has luckily retained the 1949 VIN number. It has no Heb tag or 14-00XXX number, but from the VIN, we can guess its in the mid 300´s. Once the new owner receives the Birth Certificate from the Archives, then we can re- apply to them asking for that 14-00XXX number. Further to this article, Heb_Hunters Ruud de Ruiter & Peter Schepens have (within the past month) come up with some great historical photos of this car, and even tracked down a previous owner named Victor Nelson who is a retired US Air Force dentist, now retired @ 85, and living in Florida. The shot in the details album shows Victors wife Barbara and son Jeffrey in that Heb at 1968? Need to verify location and seek more details from Victor. I spoke with Victor in early January 2018. Here in the album is another shot of the car in Hof/ Saale, Germany from another German owner, but not known verify he was prior to, or after Victor Nelson. (BG)


Ex Victor Nelson in Germany
Ex Karl Hädler, Hof an der Saale/ Germany
Ex Autohaus Moll, Düsseldorf, Germany
Current owner lives in the USA


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