Type 14A

Type 14A
Cabrio 2/2 seats
Year of production
Aufbau number 19349-1101
Engine number 1-0170465
Interior decoration cloth interior
Tank 40 liters low version
  • split
Engine decklid
  • pressed (one pice)
Water box
  • flat
Semaphore boxes
open inside


This Hebmüller was delivered to Switzerland. In the 70's a Belgian collector drove with his truck and trailer to collect at that point oldtimers. While charging his last car on a wreckers yard, a lady drove inside the car park with this Heb. She did not want it anymore and it was bought on the spot by the collector. He unloaded the older pre war car and loaded the Heb on his trailer. When he arrived at home, he put the car in his collection, untouched. Years later, after opening a museum, the car moved from a closed building - storage in center of Ghent to an old factory near the French border. In this building, a museum was set up with +100 cars. Unfortunately the Heb stayed in the storage with no access for public. The car is one of the last ones that is untouched, only a new paint job was done with later bumpers and wings, including lights. Too bad, they also painted over the Hebmüller logo on the side. (PS)


Recently, this car was on an expo in Belgium hosted by the family. A total of 40 cars were seen as they stand in the huge collection since the day they arrived. The expo was just a small part of the +900 cars the collection is in total.  Due to this Expo, some extra information was found on in the book the grandson from Ghislain Mahy brought out. MAHY, A family of Cars, published by Lanno.

It says that Ivan Mahy bought the car in the mid 70's from Werner Schaub, a fabricmanufactor In the Swiss region Vordmwald. Schaub has met Ghislain Mahy, Ivan's father years before on a rally and so they searched some nice cars for the Mahy family . So Ivan bought the car for 1000 Swiss Francs.

The initial information above here about the lady  that drove in the yard was told to me by Ivan Mahy himself.  (PS)






Untouched Hebmüller inside and rooftop. Matching numbers car. The engine number and Aufbau number was not written down and accessible at the moment we visited the storage. (PS)


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