Type 14A

Type 14A
Cabrio 2/2 seats
Year of production
Aufbau number X
Engine number X
under restoration
Interior decoration
Tank 40 liters low version
  • split
Engine decklid
  • pressed (one pice)
Water box
  • flat
Semaphore boxes
closed inside


This Heb was in the hands of Fritz Huschke Von Hanstein when he started at Porsche as the Racing sport director in 1952. At that point the car changed owners and Petermax Müller bought it. He kept the car until he died. He drove the car and some black and white picts were found by the Prototype Museum in Hamburg and got them from his widow Ilse Müller. The museum bought most of the cars and parts from Petermax Müller and with the money from the sale, the Medical High School in Hannover built a modern centrum for brain research. The car was in hands of Petermax Müller registrated in Niedersachsen. He also used it in Austria as he had a vacation house. So that is why a permit from 1990 was seen on the window for the Austrian highway. When he stopped using the Heb, he put on a display in the Hannoverschen Messegeländes. In the year 2000, the Wolfsburg VW Automuseum handed over their Hebmüller to the AUTOSTADT in Wolfsburg. To fill in the blind spot, the Petermax Müller Heb was put on display, but stayed in hands of the owner. It was on a loan. In 2003 Petermax Müller died and his collection was put on sale. The collection was a total of 14 cars. There was a Brennabor car from 1920, an Audi Front with Gläser Karosserie, the legendary record car from 1948, the Hebmüller and also a NSU RO 80 to name a few. Total price was 100.000 Euro. The current owner Björn Schewe did not have that money but offered a price for the Heb and a deal was made. The car was driven out the museum by Axel Struwe on to the parking lot. Then Bjoern took over the car. Bjoern use the Heb as it was and at some point, he made a clone from the Oberammergau’s Passionspiele Hebmüller with the cross on the door. Bjoern traveled long distances as he drove to Moscow with the Heb, to Italy and many other countries to attend some meetings. Some years ago, he took the Heb out the streets to restore it complete as it was needed. Currently, the car is back from the metalshop, waiting on a new paint job. So soon it will be back on the road. (PS)


Fritz Huschke Von Hanstein
Petermax Müller
Current owner Björn Schewe


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