First owner: René Holliger, Boniswil, Switzerland, first registration 01.03.1950, numberplate AG 23308
Second owner: Nuot Bezzola, Lenzburg, Switzerland, 01.08.1956 till 01.10.1959, numberplate AG 36517
Third owner: Daniel Koenitzer, Aarau, Switzerland, 02.10.1959 till 11.03.1960, numberplate AG 47587
Fourth owner: Werner Haller, Brugg, Switzerland, 12.03.1960 till 30.08.1967, numberplate BE 31584
Fifth owner: Kurt Ramseier, Großhöchstetten, Switzerland, 01.09.1967 till 10/1991, numberplate BE 31584 & BE 2100
Sixth owner: Rolf Gisler & family, Avenches, Switzerland, 17.10.1991 till 06.05.2011, numberplate VD 14989
Seventh owner: Claus Missing, Germany, 07.05.2011, numberplate NE 0733