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First Type 14A Meeting 1983


First Hebmüller Type 14A Meeting 1983

At the start of 1983, BoB Gilmore had taken over full responsibility of the Hebmüller VW Type 14A Registry. Also, on April 10, 1983, BoB organized the first ever Hebmüller VW Type 14A meeting in conjunction with the Vintage Volkswagen Club of America. The meeting was held at the property of Karl and Mary Belcher in La Mesa (San Diego) in California. The Belcher location was on a couple of acres and had a large 12 stall horse facility that had been converted into display rooms featuring the many fine Vintage VWs owned by them. Karl had also recently purchased a 1950 Hebmüller VW from Traugott Grundmann in Germany. In attendance were 6 Hebmüller VWs from the California area and it was such an awesome site seeing the impressive row of the rare VWs all lined up. At the time, Hebmüller VWs present were owned by BoB Gilmore (14-00258), Steve Herron (14-00055), Maurey Cole (14-00012), Scott Hendry (14-00420), Karl Belcher (14-00433) and also Al Biehl (14-00269).

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